Friday, December 25, 2009

And That's Why My Name Is Christie Carol...

December 24th, 2009 was the last birthday I will ever have in my 30's!! I guess when you think of the alternative to get doesn't seem that bad. I actually embrace getting older. I'm wiser than I was in my early 30's......and a LOT more wiser than I was in my 20's!!ha I have always loved having my birthday on Christmas Eve. People have always asked if it was bad but it was always wonderful to me. My mom and dad always made me feel special on my birthday and all my aunts, uncles and cousins always made time to sing happy birthday to me and give me a birthday cake. My husband and children have taken over the reigns now and I must say Brian does an awesome job too! We did some last minute shopping and then he took me to a Japanese Steak house to eat a birthday lunch. Our Chef master did a great job and was so sweet! He even bought me a sushi roll for my birthday! How nice was that??!!
We stayed home this year since it is so hard to travel with 4 kids....we'd need Santa's sleigh to transport all the goodies! So we stayed on the Coast and went to Brian's Moms house. All of his brothers and sister came too.
Kristi and Christie
Courtney, Me, Kristi and Bridgett
Gram in the middle of all her girls!
I always enjoy spending Christmas with my in-laws. As I've mentioned before.....I have the greatest Mother-In-Law in the whole world. She is more like a mother to me.....and she always make me feel special on my birthday.
Brian and all his brothers....John, Hank, Brian, Sean and Mark
My niece and her boyfriend Hayden
Since they have always made time out to sing to me for my birthday, I am sure Gram had gotten me a birthday cake.......but of course nothing ever goes as planned in my household. The Maniac Mommy strikes again!.......................We had been at my in-law's house for about 30 minutes, when my son, Patrick (my 15 yr old) comes up to me complaining that he didn't like the tea he had just drank. I told him to shake it big deal....the next thing I know my b-i-l comes up to me and says I need to go check on my oldest son.....he was outside on the front porch on his hands and knees throwing up!! And in the middle of that, Katie comes out complaining that she feels sick! So I run inside and get hubby and make him take Katie, Patrick and I home. I felt so bad for them missing out on the family festivities.....and poor Patrick felt terrible for making me miss my birthday party. But that's what being a mommy is all about and I would much rather be with my children when they need me! I had one kid laying on one couch and the other kid on the other couch. I wanted to take a picture of them to post on here but Patrick wouldn't let me! I wonder why??LOL
They are feeling much better now, and all the kids were so excited to wake up and see what Santa brought them.....
Katie with her new pink bike......
Brady and Bren
I hope everyone had a safe and Merry Christmas!! I know I did and I'm so thankful for my wonderful family....

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