The birthday party was postponed until today and the excitement in those little girls eyes were so cute! And the shrills, you know there is nothing like a pack of girls screaming!!LOL I know it is something they will never ever forget! Thanks to Christina's mom, Cheryl for doing all this for them.........I know that it is a memory they will look back fondly on as the get older.
I don't know if I will ever be brave enough to tackle a girl slumber party. The boys have had tons of them but they are so much easier. Stick a tent out in the back yard with a tv and playstation and they are good to go for the night!LOL Girls you have to "entertain"...........But it sure was fun seeing them all excited!
Will post again soon......also be on the look-out.......yes I am going to be co-hosting another blog!! This one will be more on internet safety and child safety online........with my friends at facebook's so hard to protect our children now a days, even when they are just in another room. Knowledge is Power and I hope to educate you and myself as we go along...........More to come soon:-)
I have an award for you over on my blog!!!