Saturday, November 21, 2009

Beauty Alternatives

I am the queen of the DIY beauty products. I am also always looking for alternatives to the expensive over-priced products that are sold. Some are worth it, but some are just marketing ploys that you are basically paying for the packaging. Here are a few beauty secretes I have stumbled upon.

My first one is something I discovered on another mommy blog. When I read about it, I was like "Gosh, that really makes sense, why didn't I think of that?" But it does sound a little crazy. Nipple cream for lip gloss! And it WORKS!! I swear my lips have never felt better. I have had a lot of problems with chapped lips and I couldn't believe how it helped them. Better than any chapped stick or lip treatment I have ever used...even Vaseline. It is called LANSINOH Brand Lanolin for Breastfeeding Mothers. It is awesome.
The next one is an alternative to a more expensive make-up primer. An example is Smashbox Photo-Finish Primer which costs around $35.00. Monistat Chafing Relief Powder works just as good. They are made from virtually the same ingredient, Dimethicone, which is a silicone base polymer. If you don't believe that it works, check out the reviews on! And it only cost around $7.00 bucks!!!

My last tip is plain old sifted Corn Starch. I discovered this little tip myself. My sister had bought one of the more expensive Mineral Make-up brands and I really liked the Finishing Powder that came with it. It made your skin feel so soft and smooth. I looked at the label and low and behold, what do you think was the main ingredient?? CORN STARCH!!! I sifted it to make it very light. You just have to use a dab, because if you use too much, of course you will look like a ghost!LOL Just tap your brush and lightly apply it all over your face as a finish after applying your base and blush. Simple, Cheap and Effective!!

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