Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Day Feast

I always get up on New Year's Day and cook a big ole Southern Dinner. Today was no exception. I actually felt pretty good considering that we had stayed up so late......of course I did sleep until 11:00 so that might have had something to do with it!:-) I cooked a roast, black eyed peas, cabbage slaw, collard greens, string bean casserole and brown rice.
Just call me "Mini Martha"
I even put make-up'd have thought the world was coming to an end....all my kids kept asking me "where are you going mom?" Steph, Brian and Warren were like"why do you have on make-up?" You know what? That's one of my New Year's get dressed more! It makes me feel better which makes me happy!:-) We'll see how long this one last!LOL
Bren Bren enjoying the feast~The hustle and bustle of activity, everybody talking and laughing while enjoying their meal just warmed my heart......maybe I do have a little Zola Mae in me......I can only hope. Zola Mae was my grandmother and she was one of the finest ladies in the whole wide world. She is who I strive to be like.......but it is so hard to be as good as her. At least I set my goals high~

Steph and Warren getting their bellies full!
This is what Steph and the girls were doing while I was slaving over a hot stove!:-)

Brian and Warren having a "bromantic" moment sitting by the fire!haha
Max hogging the couch
Brady and Cody
McLain and Katie
They are "little Stephanie" and "little Christie"
And these wild ones are "little Brian" and "little Warren"!
Brady and Wyatt jumping on the pull-out bed.
action shot!

PatrickFinally getting to do what I love to do best!!
Life doesn't get any better than this!:-)

New Year's Day was a nice, laid back, relaxing day. I am so happy I got to spend it with the people I love most.
Today my sweet best friend Stephanie woke up and cleaned up my whole house this morning. She let me stay in bed and catch up on all my blogging. The boys are boiling shrimp and the kids are all playing and having ought to be a great day today! I hope everyone has a great day too! Now, maybe I'll go put some make-up on..........? :-)

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