Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh Happy Day!

Happy Friday Everybody! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I am feeling so much better....I feel like I have a new lease on life!!! I feel like Dorothy back in Kansas or Jimmy Stewart when he realizes It's A Wonderful Life!! Seriously, not to sound too overly dramatic......but I really did feel like I was dying and I am now so appreciative of "Feeling Good"! Wow how I take for granted my good health everyday.......I vow right now to never complain again.......ok.......I guess I won't go that far but I do vow to try to be more thankful everyday and remember how lucking I am:-) and feel free to remind me of this the next time I am complaining that the kids don't mind, the laundry ain't done, my back hurts..........I may not be rich, glamorous or beautiful......but by gosh I have my health and that makes me the most thankful person in the world!:-)

My Bren Bren has his first basketball game tonight so I'll post pictures tomorrow and let you know how it goes. Brian is the coach and they are the St. Vincent Knights 2. GO KNIGHTS!!

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