Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Saturday, October 3rd 2009

Old Savannah will be having a neighborhood-wide garage sale. Each person will have their own sale at their own individual house. That way everyone will not have to pack up and move all their stuff. If you and a neighbor want to combine sales, that is completely up to yall. I know personally, I have way too much stuff to be moving all over the place.

We will also be having a Lemonade Stand that the kids will be heading up. Please let me know if your child would like to participate. All proceeds of the Lemonade Sale will be going to the National Children’s Cancer Society. We would also like to donate a % of the garage sale profits to them. Please give me your input on how much yall would like to donate…if we should have a set percentage or should we just let people donate whatever they wish…all ideas and advice welcome.

I do not know the cost of putting the ad in the paper yet, but I am sure it will not be much if we all chip in as well as chip in for the lemonade stand. I will let everyone know how much when we get a total count. I will also be calling Home of Grace to schedule them to come pick up un-sold items.

If you want to participate in the Garage Sale, please e-mail me @ christiewlogan@yahoo.com

Thanks Everyone, I’ll be in touch soon!!
Christie Logan

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I wish I was in Old Savannah to look through all the many treasures I'm sure will be around. Good luck!
