My Mother In Law always tries to get me to take the Flu Shot. Last year she took Brendan to get his and he was the only one that didn't get the flu. So this year when she asked me to go, I
hesitantly agreed to meet her at the Health Department so we could all get them. Now you would think, that after giving birth to 4 children, I would be used to needles...but I am terrified of shots. It was really hard trying to hide my terror from the kids, but I think I succeeded.
Looking back, my kids didn't really act all that rotten...if it had been me as a kid, there would have been no way I would have sat there and gotten a shot like that.
I remember when I was about 10 years old, and my mom let me and my cousin Chris walk up to Dr Bill's office for me to get a tetanus shot. They ended up having to call my mama to come and sit on me in order to give me the shot! Patrick went first, then my brave baby Brady volunteered to be next! Then I went...I didn't even squench! Brendan and Katie were last. They were all very brave and even as stressful as it is taking them all to the
Dr, I was very proud of all of them for being so brave.
While we waited for our shots in the public health department, I tried to keep the kids from climbing the walls. Not an easy feat!
I guess they
encourage birth control or something, because they had a hanging file holder on the wall labeled "c o n d o m s". In all the chaos, I made a mental note of it and prayed no kids asked me what they were. Well, one of the nurses walks right up to it and grabs a handful of them and walks out. Of course that peaked all the kids
curiosity...Brendan (my ten yr old) somehow got it in his head that they were
peppermints. Patrick (my 15 yr old who KNEW good and dang well what they were) tells Bren to go get some peppermint!! So Bren walks up there and tries to grab a big ole handful of them!! I almost had a heart attack right there!! Luckily I stopped him in time, did damage control and didn't have to give all my kids the "birds and the bees" talk in the middle of the health department!