Who knew? You never know what is gonna come out of the mouths of babes, but I thought this was so cute. Especially after writing about the teenage years and how they go from thinking you know everything to thinking you are the stupidest person in the universe. This is a perfect example...and it makes me thankful that I have a 4 year old too alongside my teenager, so at least I am still smart to someone! Last night after Brady took a bath I told him how important it was for him to stay clean since he was getting his school pictures taken today. He has gotten into a bad habit of drawing magic markers on everything...himself, his toys, the wall...whatever he can draw on...the world is his canvas. I stressed to him not to so he would be clean for his pictures...(he is quite vain so I knew that would make him at least stay clean for the pics) I guess he had colored one of his cars with washable markers that wouldn't dry on metal, so when he picked it up it got all over his hads. Green hands, oh my! He was very upset, not wanting green hands for the pics...we tried to wash them but it wouldn't come off...so I said "just sit here and let the soap "sit" a while, then scub some more"...Low and behold, the marker came off!! Clean hands! He ran up to me and said "you're a GENIUS MOM!!" :-) Soap and water, who knew?!LOL Mommies just know these things...

JUst to let you know I just started following you, they go from you know everything to you don't know anything back to you know everything, I have found this happens around 19 or 20 years old lol.